Naturopathic Medicine
Dr. Ryan Phillips, ND, MPH, BCB, CHES, is a Naturopathic Doctor registered in the State of Colorado. He is trained as a conventional Primary Care Physician and additionally in multiple natural medicine modalities such as herbal/botanical medicine, diet and nutrient therapy, Naturopathic manual therapies (soft tissue and skeletal), etc.
Integrative Mental Health
Dr. Ryan Phillips, ND, MPH, BCB, CHES, is a Naturopathic Doctor registered in the State of Colorado. Naturopathic Doctors receive additional, extensive training in mental health and counseling using approaches such as motivational interviewing, CBT, and ACT.
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
Dr. Ryan Phillips, ND, MPH, BCB, CHES, is a Naturopathic Doctor registered in the State of Colorado. He is a is a candidate for certification in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy with the Integrative Psychiatry Institute.